The Bavarian Al Capone
Behind the scenes
Oliver Herbrich .... screenplay and director
Theo Berger auto-biography
Ludolph Weyer ................... cinematography
Benedikt Röskau ............... sound recording
Jan Betke .......................... technical support
Petra Vonhausen ............ location manager
still photography
Romy Schumann ................................ editing
Oliver Herbrich ................................ narration
Detlef Kügow ................................... narration
Alfred Lohmaier ........... re-recording mixer
Peter Rosenwanger ................... title design
Cornel Faltin ...................... archive research
Frank Niepel ............................... legal advice
Oliver Herbrich
Filmproduktion .......... production company
Werner Filmer ...................... TV editor WDR
Katja Naumann ......... production manager
Meinrada Pfitzner .... production assistant
Isolde Herbrich ......... production assistant
Harald Kißling ........ production accountant
Wolfgang Grimmeisen ........................Trailer
Thanks to
Licht & Ton rental
HFF Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film
Hans Eppendorfer
Film excerpts:
"Die Verrohung des Franz Blum"
by Reinhard Hauff
"The Proud and Sad Life of Mathias Kneissl" by Oliver Herbrich

Tech specs
Lenght .......................................675m/59 min
Film ...........................16mm Eastman color
Aspect ratio TV ................................... 1: 1,33
Aspect ratio cinema ......................... 1: 1,66
Equipment ....................................Licht & Ton
Film lab ................................................. HeLas
prints ...................................................... Geyer
Subtitles............................................... Cinetyp
Digital scan ........................................... Berola
Color grading ........ Wolfgang Grimmeisen
Soundtrack ...................................... Bavarian
subtitled ............................................. German
Rating (FSK) .................... 6 years and older
Shot on location 11.1985 - 01.1986 in
Ludwigsmoos, Langenmoos, Schrobenhausen, Aichach, Pöttmes, Neuburg, Munich.
Alternative title:
Der Al Capone vom Donaumoos (Germany)
Print 16mm ComMag
DCP, BluRay (digitally remastered in HD)
Premiere ............ Hof International Filmdays
Cinema release ....10.04.1987 Munich
Re-release ............. 23.11.2017 Augsburg
TV ............................. 24.11.1987 WDR
Distribution 16 mm ............Verleih der
Worl sales ............................ Filmtrail Zurich
Hof Int. Filmdays 10.1986
Int. Dokfilmfestival, Munich 01.1987
Tage des unabhängigen Films, Augsburg,
Low Budget Filmfest, Hamburg 06.1987
Literature: Theo Berger "Ausbruch - Erinnerungen des Al Capone vom Donaumoos" Augsburg 1989 AV Verlag
Oliver Herbrich "Volkshelden wider Willen. Mathias Kneißl - Theo Berger. Drehbuch" 2018 (Fichtion – Non-Fiction Film Edition)