The World beyond the World
Behind the scenes
Oliver Herbrich .... screenplay and director
Ludolph Weyer .................. cinematography
Benedikt Röskau ............... sound recording
Jan Betke .......................... technical support
Romy Schumann ................................. editing
Oliver Herbrich ................................ narration
Laurie Anderson ................................... music
Paul Carmine ................ re-recording mixer
Andreas Hofner .................................. sounds
Richard Altmann ................. sound transfer
Arno Bamberg ..................... sound transfer
Peter Rosenwanger .................. title design
Manfred Gahr .......................... expert advice
Gilbert Jakubczyk ........................ l'automate
Oliver Herbrich
Filmproduktion .......... production company
Ebbo Demant ................................... TV editor
Petra Vonhausen ...................... contribution
still photography
Katja Naumann ......................... contribution
Isolde Herbrich ........ production assistant
Harald Kißling ........ production accountant
Thanks to
Chaos Computer Club, Hamburg
Wau Holland, Steffen Wernéry
Daimler Benz, Stuttgart
DEC, Munich
Institut Human Technologies, Munich
IWB Joachim Milberg
MPI Max Planck Institut für Psychiatrie
Licht & Ton, Munich
HFF Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film
Siemens Museum, Munich

Tech specs
Lenght ......................................495m/44 min
Film ......................................16mm Fuji color
Aspect ratio ......................................... 1: 1,33
Equipment ....................................Licht & Ton
Film lab ................................................. HeLas
Prints ...................................................... Geyer
Digital scan .......................................... Berola
Color grading ........ Wolfgang Grimmeisen
Soundtrack ........................................ German
Shot on location 04.1985 - 01.1986 in
Hannover, Benningen Neckar, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Neuchatel (Switzerland).
Alternative title:
Deadlock (working title)
Die Welt jenseits der Welt (Germany)
Print 16mm ComMag
DCP, BluRay (digitally remastered in HD)
Premiere ............ Munich Int. Filmfestival
TV ............................. 30.01.1987 SWR
Distribution 16 mm ..............Verleih der
Filmweek Herdecke 11/89