Rules of the Road
Behind the scenes
Oliver Herbrich .... screenplay and director
Jan Betke ............................. cinematography
still photography
Oliver Herbrich .................. sound recording
Paul Moody ............................... unit manager
Mikel Collins ..................... location manager
Rainer Herzog ......................... tour manager
David Roberts .................................. transport
Uwe Klimmeck ..................................... editing
Dominik Graf .................................... narration
Melania Werber................................ narration
Glenn Rossiter.................................. narration
Chrissie Ward .................................. narration
Mary Donovan ....................................... vocals
Larry & John Donovan ........................ vocals
Johnny Collins ....................................... vocals
Mikeen McCarthy .................................. vocals
Chrissie Ward .................... artwork (poems)
Derek Speirs ......................b&w photo essay
Anton Vetter .................. re-recording mixer
Claudia Schumann .............. dubbing editor
Hans-Michael Fischerkoesen... title design
Rudolf Diet ................................ title graphics
Craig Reishus ............................... translation
Peter Herbrich ............................. translation
University College Dublin (archive photos)
George Gmelch, New York
Irish Traveller Movement, Dublin
Father Paddy, Dublin (video)
RTE Radio Televison Eire
Oliver Herbrich
Filmproduktion .......... production company
in association with
GFF Geißendörfer Fim und Fernsehen
Urs Aebersold .................................. TV editor
Knut Fischer ..................................... TV editor
Klaus Wenger ................................... TV editor
Monika Bobzien ......... production assistant
Isolde Herbrich ...... production accountant
Harald Kißling ........ production accountant
Filmstiftung NRW, Köln
BR Bayerischer Rundfunk
WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Funding distribution:
Kuratorium junger deutscher Film
Thanks to
Irish Traveller Movemet
Sr Patricia Lahiffe
Father Paddy
Yola Grimm
Claus Striegel
Petra Vonhausen
Dedicated to the people at
Dunsink Lane in Dublin.

Tech specs
Lenght ....................................2.344m/80 min
Film ....................... S-16mm Eastman color
Aspect ratio ......................................... 1: 1,66
Equipment ....................................Licht & Ton
Film lab ............................................... Hadeko
Bow Up .................................................... Geyer
Subtitling ..................................... Hagheefilm
Digital Scan .......................................... Berola
Color grading ................... Wolfgang Caspar
Soundtrack ......................................... English
Rating (FSK) .......... without age restriction
Shot on location 08.1992 - 10.1992 in
London, Bristol, Swansea (UK)
Ballinasloe, Limerick, Galway, Tullamore, Dublin, Rosslaire (Ireland).
Alternative title:
Gesetz der Straße (Germany)
Road to Nowhere (working title)
Print 35mm ComOpt
DCP, BluRay (digitally remastered in HD)
Premiere ............ Hof International Filmdays
Cinema release ....16.01.1994 Munich
TV ............................ 17.12.94 ARTE
05.03.96 BR
Distribution 35mm ...............Verleih der
World sales (Engl.) ............... Geißendörfer
Film und TV
Film evalaution rating
FBW ......................................... recommended