Priests of the Condemned
Behind the scenes
Oliver Herbrich ... screenplay and director
Jan Betke ............................ cinematography
still photography
Oliver Herbrich .................. sound recording
Hike Pillemann .................. sound recording
Ang Nima Sherpa .................. unit manager
Buphal Lama.................... location manager
Uttam Dhungel ............... location manager
Niras Nahrtan ................................. transport
Bal Krishna ...................................... transport
Bahadur Chettra ............................. transport
Romy Schumann ................................ editing
Anja Buckowski .............................. narration
Peter Karel ....................................... narration
Glenn Rossiter ................. English narration
Heiko Grosspietsch ........ English narration
Max Rammler .. ........... re-recording mixer
Markus Bussler .................... video transfer
Peter Rosenwanger .................. title design
Rudolf Dieth ............................ title graphics
William Duke ............................... film poster
Marianne Gosspietsch ......... expert advice
Ernst Wegerif ......................... expert advice
Mana Pradhan ..................... medical advice
Wim van Brako .................... medical advice
Home Nath Upadhya ......... musical advice
Ram Suram Nepali ................ leprosy song
Oliver Herbrich
Filmproduktion ......... production company
Jörg Datttler ........................... TV editor SDR
Bernhard Wagner .... production assistant
Petra Vonhausen ...... production assistant
Craig Reishus ............... English translation
Isolde Herbrich ..... production accountant
Harald Kißling ....... production accountant
Filmbüro Hamburg
Filmbüro NRW, Mühlheim Ruhr
Kirchlicher Entwicklungsdienst der
Evangelischen Kirche Deutschland
Thanks to
Sewa Kendra, Kathmandu
Green Pasture Hospital, Phokara
Europe Air Promotion, Frankfurt am Main
Licht & Ton, Munich
Durchblick, Munich
The idea to this film was inspired by the leprosy campaign undertaken by NEPRA assosciation Dortmund, Germany

Tech specs
Lenght .......................................899m/79 min
Film ............................16mm Eastman color
Aspect ratio ......................................... 1: 1,33
Equipment ................................... Licht & Ton
Film lab .................................................. Geyer
Video transfers..................................... Take 5
Digital scan .......................................... Berola
Color grading ......... Wolfgang Grimmeisen
Soundtrack ......................................... English
Rating (FSK) .......... without age restriction
Shot on location 05.1991 - 06.1991 in
Kathmandu, Phokara, Kalaya, Sanku, Dulikhel, Khokana, Terrai (Nepal).
Alternative title:
Priester der Verdammten (Germany)
Prêtres des Damnés (ARTE France)
Print 16mm ComOpt
DCP, BluRay (digitally remastered in HD)
Premiere ............ Hof International Filmdays
Cinema release .. 02.04.1992 Munich
TV ........................... 03.02.1994 ARTE
Distribution 16 mm ...............Verleih der
Film evalaution rating
FBW ......................................... recommended
Hof International Filmdays 10.91
Dok Festival Leipzig 12.91
Bombay Int Filmfestival, India 02.92
Euro Aim Screenings, Donostia, Belgium
3. Int Tam Tam Video Festival, Rome 11/92
Alternative TV version 45 min.
"Hölle auf Erden" ("Living Hell")
edited by Yola Grimm
TV: 10.01.1992 WDR (Enno Hungerland)